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MessagePosté le: Jeu Aoû 08, 2013 6:56 pm    Sujet du message: Oriental Fortune - Chinese M2 money supply end of Répondre en citant

China end of June M2 money supply growth of 14% per annum
Chinese People Bank (PBOC) Friday (July 11) released data show that China's June New RMB loans increased 8,605 million, when the end of the broad money supply (M2) increased by 14%; addition, the end of June China RMB loans 68.08 trillion yuan, an increase of 14.2%. The end of June reserves balance was $ 3.5 trillion.
Chinese central bank official website released the "2013 first half financial statistics report," The following is the body of the report:

one, broad money growth of 14.0%, narrow money growth 9.1%
6 end of broad money (M2) balance of 105.45 trillion yuan, an increase of 14.0% in the previous month and 1.8 percentage points lower than the previous year 0.2 percentage points; narrow money (M1) balance of 31.36 trillion yuan, up growth of 9.1% in the previous month and 2.2 percentage points lower than the previous year high of 2.6 percentage points; currency in circulation (M0) balance of 5.42 trillion yuan, an increase of 9.9%. First half of the net return of 50.9 billion yuan in cash.
two, the first half of RMB loans increased 5.08 trillion yuan, foreign currency loans increased by $ 92.4 billion
6 at the end, foreign currency loans 72.87 trillion yuan, an increase of 15.1%. RMB loans 68.08 trillion yuan, up 14.2 percent, respectively, from the previous month and previous year 0.3 and 0.8 percentage points. First half of the RMB loans increased 5.08 trillion yuan, an increase of 221.7 billion yuan. Sub-sector, household loans increased 2.07 trillion yuan, of which short-term loans increased by 845.8 billion yuan, and long-term loans increased 1.23 trillion yuan; non-financial enterprises and other sector loans increased 3 trillion yuan,motorcycle brake levers, of which short-term loans increased by 12,400 billion in long-term loans increased 1.36 trillion yuan, 279.3 billion yuan bill financing increased. June RMB loans increased by 860.5 billion yuan, an increase of 59.3 billion yuan less. End of June, foreign currency loans $ 775.8 billion, an increase of 33.2% in the first half of foreign currency loans increased by $ 92.4 billion.
three first half of RMB deposits increased 9.09 trillion yuan, foreign currency deposits increased by $ 31.3 billion
6 end, foreign currency deposits balance of 103.64 trillion yuan, an increase of 14.1%. RMB deposits 100.91 trillion yuan, an increase of 14.3% in the previous month and 1.9 percentage points lower than the previous year high 0.9 percent. First half of the RMB deposits increased 9.09 trillion yuan, an increase of 1.71 trillion yuan. Among them, the household deposits increased 4.13 trillion yuan, non-financial corporate deposits increased 2.32 trillion yuan, fiscal deposits increased 958.8 billion yuan. June RMB deposits increased by 1.6 trillion yuan, an increase of 1.26 trillion yuan less. End of June, foreign currency deposits $ 441.5 billion, an increase of 9.0% in the first half of foreign currency deposits increased by $ 31.3 billion.
four, June inter-bank lending market weighted average interest rate 6.58%, dated bond pledged repo weighted average interest rate 6.82%
first half of the inter-bank RMB market in lending, cash bond and repo total turnover of 132.47 trillion yuan manner, the average daily turnover of 1.09 trillion yuan, average daily turnover increased by 3.8%.
6 month inter-bank lending market, the monthly weighted average interest rate of 6.58 percent, 3.66 percentage points over the previous month; pledged repo weighted average interest rate was 6.82%, 3.81 percentage points over the previous month.
five, foreign exchange reserves of $ 3.5 trillion
6 end, the state foreign exchange reserves amounted to $ 3.5 trillion. The end of June, the RMB exchange rate of 1 U.S. dollar against 6.1787 yuan.
six first half of cross-border trade in RMB clearing business occurred 2.05 trillion yuan, direct investment 183.5 billion yuan RMB settlement business happen
2013 in the first half, denominated in RMB cross-border trade in goods, trade in services and other recurring items, foreign direct investment, FDI , respectively, occurred 13,600 billion yuan, 683.8 billion yuan, 22 billion yuan, 161.5 billion yuan.
Note 1: The current data are preliminary number.
Note 2:2011 October onwards, the money supply has been included Housing Fund Center deposits and non-deposit-taking financial institutions deposit-taking financial institutions.
(Editor: DF112)
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