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Inscrit le: 27 Sep 2011
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MessagePosté le: Ven Aoû 09, 2013 11:14 am    Sujet du message: Oriental Fortune - Zhou Xiaochuan Multi- tool to Répondre en citant

Zhou Xiaochuan: Multi-tool to adjust liquidity to maintain market stability
Chinese People Bank Governor Zhou Xiaochuan yesterday to attend the "2013 Lujiazui Forum (official station), "said the current economic and financial operation is generally stable, the central bank will continue to implement prudent monetary policy, and efforts to enhance the policy proactive, targeted and flexibility, appropriate and timely pre fine-tuning.
Zhou Xiaochuan said that last year the Central Economic Work Conference to determine the financial implementation of prudent monetary policy. At present, China's economy overall financial operation is smooth,adjustable clutch lever, the price situation is basically stable, indicating that this policy is appropriate. However, the current international economic and financial situation is complicated, the domestic economy is also facing some new situations and problems. The central bank will continue to implement prudent monetary policy, and efforts to enhance the policy proactive, targeted and flexibility, appropriate and timely pre-tune fine-tuning. Meanwhile, the central bank will also coordinate with other departments on the one hand to guide financial institutions to maintain a reasonable credit, reasonable arrangements for the balance amount and term structure to support the real economy, structural adjustment and transformation and upgrading; the other hand, Composite use of various tools and instruments properly regulate market liquidity, maintaining the overall stability of the market for the smooth functioning of financial markets and economic development to create a good monetary conditions.

Zhou also the construction of Shanghai international financial center, a few thoughts about one of the most core content is RMB internationalization issues. In his view, should be expanded renminbi cross-border use, support for cross-border transactions settled in RMB and gradually increase the proportion of support for cross-border renminbi foreign multinational management business, the yuan into multinational portfolio, re-start cross-border RMB trade finance market promote RMB trade financing scale growth. Support for cross-border RMB business in open two-way investment and financing, and actively study prepared by qualified domestic individual investors overseas investment of the pilot, and qualified private equity RMB fund overseas securities investment business.
addition, the combination of domestic economic and financial reform progress and the environment at home and abroad, and actively and steadily promote capital account convertibility. However, Zhou said, capital account convertibility is a flexible institutional arrangements, capital account convertibility, you can still questionable from the perspective of macro-prudential capital, external debt, short-term capital flows be managed properly to prevent cross-border capital possible adverse liquidity risk. Meanwhile, the specific liberalization measures in timing also have some flexibility, according to the country and the international financial situation and the reform of basic conditions change, choose Select, promote a mature one.
(Editor: DF106)
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