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Inscrit le: 27 Sep 2011
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MessagePosté le: Mer Oct 16, 2013 6:15 pm    Sujet du message: mcm bags WolfCop Répondre en citant

{Film accelerator CineCoup to produce first feature film}
WolfCop,[url=]mcm bags[/url], the first feature-length film to be produced by Vancouver film accelerator CineCoupBy Nelson BennettThu Sep 12,[url=]mcm handbags[/url], 2013 2:00pm PSTA comedy-horror flick about a small-town cop who happens to be a werewolf will be the first feature-length film produced by Vancouver film accelerator CineCoup.CineCoup Media Inc. will produce WolfCop in Saskatchewan. Filming begins in October and is due for release in Cineplex Inc. (TSX:CGX) theatres in the spring of 2014.CineCoup, the brainchild of J. Joly – founder of dimeRocker – takes a Silicon Valley startup-accelerator approach to producing feature-length films, and is itself a graduate of the GrowLab accelerator.Earlier this year, CineCoup had its first cohort of would-be filmmakers participate in a competition with a grand prize of $1 million and guaranteed screenings in CinePlex Theatres.The filmmakers were required to produce trailers followed by more than a dozen weekly filming missions to complete, which were posted online. They also created social media pages to generate fans who could follow the nascent films as they developed.Six of the 15 filmmakers that participated were from B.C., but in the end it was Saskatchewan filmmakers Lowell Dean, Bernie Hernando and Hugh Patterson who won the grand prize. However, 10 of the other films were optioned.The next CineCoup cohort begins this month.Interested filmmakers can sign up at film, social media, GrowLab, CineCoup Media Inc.




















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