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Inscrit le: 27 Sep 2011
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MessagePosté le: Mer Oct 16, 2013 6:55 pm    Sujet du message: mcm bags to use "the throne" Répondre en citant

Index Spike Milligan: 'What's the dress code for dining with royalty?'
I'd experienced Spike Milligan in a number of states - hyper, despairing, giggling, excruciatingly, at his own jokes,[url=]mcm bags[/url], and blurred from what he called "good brain-numbing" electro-convulsive therapy. His favourite sedative,[url=]mcm handbags[/url], though, was wine. He called it the love of his life, apart from "an Italian lady I met in 1944". That year he'd been a wine waiter for officers in a military rehab facility in Portici, Italy. "I loved that job, it taught me everything," he said.The last time I drank with Milligan, at home in Dumb Woman's Lane near Rye, was in mid-1998, with his health deteriorating. He looked frail but spoke animatedly of wining and dining with Prince Charles. "I phoned the palace and said 'What's the dress for a dinner at Highgrove?' and they said black tie. So I arrived in the full kit, but Charles was wearing an open-neck shirt, flannels and slippers. He said 'That's the palace - they're always making bloody mistakes.'"At one point, William and Harry came down in their pyjamas and he said, 'Look Spike, would you sing the Ying Tong Song to them?', and I had to sing this fucking song. I felt such a fool, but then we had a lovely supper."I had to stay overnight but I couldn't sleep in the double bed because my wife snores so badly, so I slept on the floor of Charles's toilet. It was elegant and spotless."Did he step over you in the night, to use "the throne"? "I don't know. I was sleeping soundly. It had this excellent woolly rug which I used as a pillow."Milligan was also mulling on jam and writing poetry. "Damn damn damn jam," he advised me. "Jam will get you in the end." Sign up for the Guardian Today Our editors' picks for the day's top news and commentary delivered to your inbox each morning. Sign up for the daily email




















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