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Inscrit le: 27 Sep 2011
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MessagePosté le: Jeu Nov 14, 2013 10:03 am    Sujet du message: sac lancel tleucyla Répondre en citant

{Dyslexia: Slow reading, speedy thinking}
The list is long and distinguished and includes Jamie Oliver, Tom Cruise, Richard Branson and Keira Knightley. All high achievers, all dyslexic. And just as dyslexia didn’t stop them from reaching the top of their field, Shaylyn Hewton,[url=]sac lancel[/url], 13, says it won’t stop her. The Grade 8 student at St-Laurent Academy, a private school in Ottawa, is one of the top five backstroke swimmers in Canada in her age group and aspires to be on the Canadian team at the 2016 Olympics in Rio de Janeiro.“That’s definitely where I want to be,” says Shaylyn, who has travelled across the country for meets as a high-performance athlete with the Greater Ottawa Kingfish Swim Club.“Every time I swim, it’s just an amazing feeling I have, and I just take out all my stress in the pool. If there’s a big test coming up, I just forget about that test and I swim through it. If something happens, I swim through it. I swim through the pain.”Shaylyn’s talent doesn’t surprise Susan Barton, a California-based dyslexia expert, who will be in Ottawa on Oct. 28 to offer a free seminar on dyslexia.Barton says superior physical ability can be one of the “gifts” of dyslexia as can superior musical and artistic ability, people skills and logic, among many others. Many of the adults who have used her system went to college on athletic scholarships.“Most of the highest paid athletes, at least in the United States, are dyslexic, and more and more are becoming comfortable sharing that.”In 1998, Barton, 57, left a 20-year career in the IT industry to help her nephew, who was 16 and still unable to read when his dyslexia was identified. She founded Bright Solutions for Dyslexia, an organization that educates teachers and parents about the condition and develops research-based solutions. Chief among them is a system that offers the instructor — whether a parent, tutor, teacher or other professional — the tools they need to help.Barton says people hold many misconceptions about dyslexia, including the idea that people with dyslexia see things backwards, that they can’t read at all, and that it’s rare. In fact, about 15 per cent of the population has dyslexia although only five per cent are correctly diagnosed, says Barton. Dyslexics don’t have a visual problem, but an auditory processing problem, she says.“They can’t hear the sounds within the words, clearly, cleanly, they can’t say them in sequence, they can’t count the sounds the words have, they can’t figure out if two words have the same sounds in the middle or the same sound at the end, through their ears alone.”People with dyslexia have a larger right hemisphere in their brains than those of normal readers, says Barton, which also accounts for their strengths.She says if adults know what to look for, dyslexia is easy to detect early on. If a child doesn’t have 10 to 12 words by 12 months, that’s a sign; if a child doesn’t have a clear preference for one hand or the other by age four, that’s a sign; if a child frequently mixes up the sequence of syllables — pasghetti, instead of spaghetti — that’s a sign.

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