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Inscrit le: 27 Sep 2011
Messages: 7915
Localisation: England

MessagePosté le: Mar Mai 21, 2013 7:36 am    Sujet du message: xgf43swu Répondre en citant

Baseball: Tommy Shott punctuates Georgetown Prep’s rout of La adjustable levers ndon in IAC title game
It was pleasing to many that it was Shott who provided the walk-off/storm-on hit that ended not only the game but very likely his baseball career. The second baseman worked through serious back and anterior cruciate ligament injuries during his time at Prep and was not in the starting lineup early in the season.“It was the perfect moment; you couldn’t ask for anything rear sets else,” said Shott, who will attend Vanderbilt but probably will not try to walk on to the team. “I was having dreams about it last night, about hitting a walk-off hit. That was awesome. You always dream about the close games, of course, but a walk-off’s a walk-off, so I’m happy.”In his racing lever previous at-bats Saturday, Shott walked, got hit by a pitch and bounced out to shortstop to end the fourth. The Hoyas were up 9-0 at the tim Motorcycle lever e, so it looked unlikely that he would squeeze out one final at-bat in his career.“I was talking to him [after his final at-bat], and he said, ‘I don’t want to go out on a groundout,’ ” said Prep senior shortstop Andrew Frazier, Shott’s double-play partner. “I said, ‘Don’t worry. You won’t.’ It’s about as good as it gets. He deserved it. He earned it. adjustable Lever To have him come back and work as hard as he did and get that last hit is a perfect scenar billet mirror io.”Frazi bar end mirror er was the second of three Hoyas (25-7) who hit consecutive doubles during their seven-run third i handle lever nning, and junior Corey Howard had one prior to that in the same inning to drive in the first run of the game. Howard, junior left fielder Tanner Sampson and Frazier all finished with two of their team’s 11 hits.Prep senior Tommy Gambon struck out seven, walked three and gave up two hits in 51/3 innings. In relief,handle lever,billet mirror, sophomore Andrew Ashur gave up a walk and a hit to load the bases but struck out the last two batters to keep the lead at nine a adjustable levers nd enable Shott’s game-ending hit in the Hoyas’ fifth straight shutout win over Landon (7-12).Prep’s victory marked its 24th consecutive win in IAC play and its second straight tournament championship.
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