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Inscrit le: 27 Sep 2011
Messages: 7915
Localisation: England

MessagePosté le: Lun Juin 17, 2013 3:03 am    Sujet du message: having said that i think we’ Répondre en citant

F1: Tires Allowed Drivers To Race In Canada,Coach Factory Outlet Onlin, Says Horner
Christian Horner stressed following your Canadian GP that tires had allowed drivers to continue plain &#821ducati clutch covers1; which made it clear that in these circumstances Red Bull is tough to get rid of.Sebastian Vettel dominated the race,Coach Outlet Online,Coach Factory Outlet, although he previously had one or two mishaps along the route.“It was subsequently an exceedingly strong race right now today,Coach Factory Online,” said Horner. “And the concepts good in regards to the race in the process was everyone appeared to be pushing flat out from start to finish,Coach Factory Online, as opposed to Monaco fourteen days ago. Sebastian was mighty today. He got his head down and amassed a cozy lead.“Going to the race we thought perhaps a one-stop, even so fairly evidently a result of temperature rise it became more obvious thatmotorcycle engine covers it had become usually a two-stop,Coach Outlet Store Online, and he never looked threatened. He had been able to clip on handlebarsbuild up a 15 second margin by mostly half way because of the race,Coach Factory Outlet,Coach Outlet, the which it takes to accomplish a pit stop and dr rear motorcycle standive through the pitlane,Coach Outlet Store Online,Coach Outlet Online, and from thsportbike mirrorsat point onwards that it was about handling the gap and begin it.“He'd a small number of wake-up calhandle gripsls,Coach Outlet,Coach Factory Outlet Onlin, one where he touched the barrier in the middle sector, after which it a limotorcycle rear standttadjustable leversle off at Turn One, having said that i think we’ll forgive him those today.”Regarding how the power to develop full performance within the car helped Red Bull he was quoted saying: “I believe it’s been a deep performance here enjoy it was in Bahrain, enjoy it was in Malaysia. We perceive easy tires once you’re inside window using them, you possibly can extract a whole lot of lap time. We have been certainly during the right window here.”Adam Cooper notched up his 28th season as the racing journalist in 2012. Fresh discussed about F1 for since 2005. Follow him on Twitter.
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