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Inscrit le: 27 Sep 2011
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MessagePosté le: Mar Juin 18, 2013 1:09 pm    Sujet du message: @jim_chiappelli Répondre en citant

SPRINT: Meyers Nabs Night Two, Smith Earns Knoxville Nationals Pole
The battle belonged to Jason Meyers at Knoxville Raceway Thursday night, but Stevie Smith and Craig Dollansky will be in prime positions to win the war.Meyers,motorcycle mufflers, the two-time reigning (however it is not defending) An entire world of Outlaws Sprint Car Series champion,motorcycle fairings, claimed Thursday’s 25-lap feature during Night Two of the 52nd Knoxville Nationals.The victory meant a sweep for California drivers at Knoxville all this time, as Golden State native Kyle Larson collected the checkered flag in Wednesday’s qualifying program within the Marion County, Iowa half-mile oval.Meyers, who no more races full-time,Coach Factory Outlet Onlin, recently returned with the cockpit after an lack of several months. First,motorcycle helmets, he passed early leader Mark Dobmeier, then held off a hard-charging Tim Shaffer in motorcycle engine coversthe 25-lap eSportBike Leversvent.Kraig Kinser completed the podium, while Smith finished fourth.The format in the Nationals splits area of in just two, with drivers competing either Wednesday or Thursday in complete racing programs with time trials,motorcycle fairing,Coach Factory Outlet, heat races, and C, B and A-main events.Drivers earn points if they hit the track,Coach Factory Online, and then the top 16 inside standings after Thursday’s program secure spots with the first eight rows for Saturday’s 50-lap,motorcycle stands,Coach Outlet Online, $150,Coach Outlet,000 to win finale.That puts Smith inside the front row, that she will get for Craig Dollansky.Meyers will roll-off seventh,Coach Outlet Store Online, while Larson begins 12th. Into your market of the particular lineup is focused during another full show for non-qualifiers on Friday, from where the top four finishers secured starting positions 17-20 for Saturday’s A-Main.Spots 21-24 are accessible to the highest four drivers in Saturday’s 22-lap B-Mainwomen motorcycle helmets.Knoxville Knotes:•Contenders Cody Darrah and Terry McCarl both flipped for their respective heat races•4-time Knoxville Nationals winner Danny Lasoski tumbled end-over-end in the backstretch in Thursday’s A-Main after not being able to avoid hitting a spinning Ian Madsen. Lasoski opted to move in Friday’s program instead of relax and take a guaranteed spot in Saturday’s B-Main•1983 Nationals winner Sammy Swindell had an outstanding drive with his heat race, finishing second after starting seventh. At some time, Swindell passed three cars available as one corner, then rode his sprinter as being a bucking bronco to stop hitting the wall after jumping the cushion• World Raciducati clutch coversng Group formally announced a multi-year title sponsorship agree rear motorcycle standment with STP Thursday. Starting in 2013, WRG’s primary product will be the N entire world of Outlaws STP Sprint Car Series&#8226clip on handlebars;It remains unclear if Goodyear will continue the exclusive tire supplier to everything about Outlaws. Goodyear’s current deal expires at the end of the age. World Racing Group Chief Operating Officer Brian Carter told media members both parties are evaluating their methods 2013•Televissportbike mirrorsion coverage within the Knoxville Nationals can be found Saturday, August 25 at motorcycle helmet Noon ET on SPEED.Jim Chiappelli is SPEED’s Coordinating Producer of Studio Programming & News Director, whose family has been associated with sprint car racing for upwards of 30 years. Twitter: @jim_chiappelli
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