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Inscrit le: 27 Sep 2011
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MessagePosté le: Jeu Juin 20, 2013 1:24 am    Sujet du message: Two workers stranded on NYC scaffoldingvideoVideo Répondre en citant

Firefighters save woducati clutch coversrkers stranded on Los angeles skyscraperAdd to ...
Two scaffold maintenance workers who are stranded 150 metres across the streets of midtown Manhattan for about a couple of hours after their work platform snapped were rescued on Wednesday by New york firefighters.The platform,motorcycle fairings, linked with scaffolding,motorcycle stands, perceived to have snapped inside, while it was not immediately clear what caused it to malfunction.More Regarding this StoryKanye West redefines brashness in Manhattan Times interviewBloomberg unveils megastorm plan motorcycle fairing kids YorkNew York hotel cuts room service as demand fades across industryVideoVideo: Raw: Two workers stranded on NYC scaffoldingvideoVideo: Caught on camera: Man allegedly steals jewelry from Tiffany & Co.Rescue workers broke out a window on the 45thdouble bubble windscreen floor belonging to the Hearst Tower, two stories below the roof, as a way to arrive at the workers. Taking care workers,motorcycle fairing, both men, were wearing harnesses for the duration of the accident,motorcycle mufflers, and firefighters lowered extra set of two harnesses to them.The rescue was broadcast live by several local television stations, which showed the stranded men looking to remain as still as possiblesportbike mirrors prior to being pulled to safety. A hefty crowd gathered below before being pushed back via the police.The Hearst Tower belongs to the most up-to-date and distinct buildings while in the city, utilizing its radically angled panes of glass rising above the original 1928 Hearst International Magazine Building as its pedestal. Created by architect Norman Foster, it has been the main skyscraper approved for construction after Sept. 11, 2001. When Mr. Foster submitted his unconventional design, as reported by articles with the New Yorker, starting question house owners asked was: “How will you clean thosmotorcycle fairingse windows?”That had become the challenge of Tractel-Swingstage,motorcycle helmets, a Toronto-based company also, the world’s largest manufacturer ofmotorcycle engine covers scaffolds and window-cleaning platforms, playboy described at a detailed article relating to the equipment.It took a few years and over $3-million to come up with a model.“The result, an oblong steel box how large is a Smart car, supporting a 40-foot mast and also a hydraulic boom arm attached by six strand motorcycle helmet s of wire rope with a telescopic cleaning basketmotorcycle exhaust, housesrearsets a working computer that monitors 67 electromechanical safety sensors and switches, and moment the roof within the Hearst Tower on 420 feet of elevated steel track,” playboy magazine reported.Scott Borland, the project’s construction manager, told playboy that going barefoot was “like a ride at Disneyland.” New York Times News Service
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